Benefits of Breastfeeding (for baby)

  • 1. Breast milk has the perfect amount of nutrients for the baby. Breast milk is composed of all of the essentials: proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates – for more energy, probiotics ,and hundreds to thousands of disease fighting molecules (antibodies!!!!!!)

Guess what? The bioactive molecules that protect against infection and inflammation, in the form of these antibodies, also contribute to immune maturation and a healthy gut for the baby. 1 For my science enthusiasts, I can go way way way into detail about this.

  • 2. Breast milk is the perfect temperature for your baby. It is approximately 98.6°F, which is just slightly warmer than body temp. If your baby is anything like mine, then your baby will refuse cold milk. LOL. Also, if you pump your milk, the milk can sit at room temperature for up to four hours, unlike formula that needs to be tossed after an hour.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with formula. I supplemented until my supply regulated. If you’ve used formula then you know, it makes you sad when you have to throw away dollars each time you forget or are too tired to refrigerate the milk.

  • 3. Breast milk is ideal for premature babies and high-risk babies for many reasons. Donor milk has all of the goodies of breastmilk including the probiotics and the “good” bacteria that help the baby’s intestinal function.

Additionally, breast milk has Epidermal growth factor (EGF), a protein that is essential for the maturation of the intestinal mucosa. Interesting right? EGF protects the infant gut by increasing DNA and protein synthesis. 1,2-4 Basically, EGF allows for water and nutrients that the baby needs to be absorbed better, which in turn halts apoptosis and corrects the fluctuations of intestinal tight junctions caused by inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α). 🤯 Just wow! 4

  • 4. Breastfeeding helps to reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome). Unfortunately, SIDS isn’t discussed enough and it affects so many parents and my prayers and thoughts are with anyone of you that may have expreienced SIDS.

Because newborn babies nurse, a lot, like A LOT, the constant sleep-wake cycle of a nursing a newborn is preventative against SIDS.

Did you breastfeed? Are you considering breastfeeding? Are you currently breastfeeding? Let me know in the comments!


1. Ballard O, Morrow AL. Human milk composition: nutrients and bioactive factors. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2013;60(1):49-74. doi:10.1016/j.pcl.2012.10.002

2. Wagner CL, Taylor SN, Johnson D. Host factors in amniotic fluid and breast milk that contribute to gut maturation. Clinic. Rev. Allerg. Immunol. 2008;34:191–204.

3. Read LC, Upton FM, Francis GL, Wallace JC, Dahlenberg GW, Ballard FJPediatr Res. 1984 Feb; 18(2):133-9.

4. Khailova L, Dvorak K, Arganbright KM, Williams CS, Halpern MD, Dvorak B. Changes in hepatic cell junctions structure during experimental necrotizing enterocolitis: effect of EGF treatment. Pediatr. Res. 2009;66(2):140–144. 

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