Breastfeeding- The challenges and Triumphs!

The challenges and Triumphs in breastfeeding
by: Heather K. Beasley, M.S
Breastfeeding for 20 months and counting…

Ok, lets get REAL!

I’ll be the first to say that my breastfeeding (BF) journey was… a mess! From day one I never had the spectacular latch and experience that most BF moms have. In fact, it took several days, FIVE, for my mature milk to come in. In the meantime, I was supplementing with formula, which was the furthest from my intentions. My baby girl got so used to bottles those first few days that I couldn’t get her to latch without a nipple shield. I was unemotional wreck about this. Not to mention the surge of fluctuating hormones having a mass exodus out of my body!

So here’s the part where I jump on my soapbox about prayer and perseverance….

I have the most amazing support system. My mom is an ordained minister and I come from a long legacy of prayer warriors. In fact, during my delivery, my grandmother and my mom were there the whole time from induction to delivery. My grandmother (who will never forgive me if I tell her age) sat patiently for 34 hours and my mom sat there holding my husband’s hand and praying with me the whole time. 

My plan was to do exactly what my mom and my grandmother did, exclusively breastfeed! My grandmother exclusively breastfed 6 children and my my exclusively breastfed me and my four siblings (some of which breastfed for 3 years. WOW)! I just KNEW I’s have no problems. Well, I did. 

For my BF journey, it wasn’t a latch problem. She latched fine from day 1. She just preferred the bottle over the nipple. It took me FIVE whole weeks of only BF my baby through a plastic nipple shield, but I was determined to not give up. I continued to try day in and day out. {If you’re having the same difficultuties these ( ) I recommend. #notsponsored}

I pumped 3 or 4 times a day, sometimes only producing a few drops. I tried all kinds of things to increase my supply. I tried it all from Fenugreek to lactation cookies. Nothing seemed to help much. Then, my darling finally decided after 5 weeks to give the breast a try. I cried. Oh Lord, did I cry, I called my mom crying with joy. I texted my husband, who was at work. I called my sister and Facetimed my grandmother. All of their countless prayers, tithing, and fasting really got God’s attention! WOW. God really did his thing!

My supply tripled that same day because her latch told my body what to do. I say all of that to say, BF is NOT for the faint at heart. I understand that BF is not feasible for most women. I’m also a believer that “FED is BEST!” If your physician gives you the OK, I say try. There are so many perks to being able to do so. {IN the next post}

It is challenging, yes, but so worth it!

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